The Impact Ranking 2023 results
Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University Participated in The Impact Ranking 2023 of higher education institutions by selecting 4 assessment issues as follows:
1. SDG 6 Ensure water and sanitation are managed sustainably. and is available for use by everyone.
2. SDG 7 Ensure that everyone has access to affordable, reliable and sustainable modern energy.
3. SDG 15 aims to protect, restore, and sustainably manage terrestrial ecosystems. It focuses on sustainable forest management, combating desertification, preventing land degradation, and conserving biodiversity.
4. SDG 17: Strengthen global partnership for sustainable development and enhance implementation mechanisms (mandatory goal).
On June 1, 2023, Times Higher Education (THE) released the results of the 2023 Impact Rankings, which evaluate universities’ efforts in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University was ranked 1001+ out of 1,591 universities worldwide across 112 participating countries. The university achieved a total score of 35.60 out of 100 points. The evaluation results are categorized based on specific goals.
1. SDG 6 ranked 401 – 600 in the world, total score 31.40 out of 100 points
2. SDG 7 ranked 401 – 600 in the world, total score 47.90 out of 100 points
3. SDG 15 ranked 301 – 400 in the world, total score 41.70 out of 100 points
4. SDG 17 ranked 1001+ in the world, total score 44.00 out of 100 points